- Individual - $85/month
27 years and older - Couples -$150/month
2 adults over 18 years old - Children -$29/month
0-19 (+ one guardian as a member) - Adults - $60/month
18-26 years old
If you cancel your membership and wish to rejoin in the future, there is a $150 re-enrollment fee permitted one-time only.

Command for Your Business:
Healthcare is rated by job seekers as one of the most important benefits. Nothing speaks better of a company than its willingness to take good care of its employees.
Craft a health partnership tailored to your company's needs, centered on assured access to superior primary care. This exclusive approach allows you to provide health benefits that resonate with your employees while strategically reducing overall healthcare expenses.

Benefits for Businesses
Most injuries that occur at the workplace are minor and can be taken care of very affordably. Instead of sending an employee with a simple laceration or low back strain to the ER, they can be seen at our office quickly and at no extra cost. If the injury is serious or will require referral to specialists, we would recommend the employee go through the proper channels and use the workman’s comp insurance. Otherwise, we can handle a vast majority of injuries. That means fewer claims to insurance leading to lower or flat workman’s comp premiums.